In order for company ties to become anything, they have to be made by a tie manufacturer. A tie manufacturers role can consist of a number of responsibilities.
For example it is possible to be a tie manufacturer but not print the panels or weave the fabric to make up the ties.
On the other hand and quite often in South Africa, one would see tie manufacturers that don’t encompass the whole process, they may only elect to actually make up company ties from fabric supplied to them by either the printer or the weaver.
We are a fairly simple and certainly not complex society when it comes to tie manufacturers in South Africa and this is due mainly to the lack of funds over the years to be able to keep our tie manufacturer plants modern and up to date as they are in China or India.
We simply cannot afford the new up to date equipment in South Africa because of the size of the industry and the order requirements, the fact is that tie manufacturers would never be able to recoup their outlay by manufacturing and supplying company ties in South Africa, we are just too small in this area to warrant this kind of spend and so most tie manufacturers either find ways around having expensive equipment by using more straight forward equipment to become tie manufacturers.
In fact, in certain factories that are tie manufacturer factories, it is interesting to note that company ties and also school ties and corporate ties are made using the simplest of equipment. To achieve this is not easy when the majority of tie manufacturers around the world are only able to produce company ties or corporate ties or even school ties on the basis that their equipment is modern and extremely advanced as far as technology is concerned.
Tie manufacturers are able in certain factories in south Africa to make up a company tie almost by hand which is really an art but the drawback of this is the speed in which a school tie can be made compared to bigger, more sophisticated tie manufacturers around the world.
We would probably be laughed at if some of the really big Chinese factories were to see how we as tie manufacturers do things, they would remark on how slow we are compared to them, I am sure but for them, the emphasis is on speed and efficiency, sometimes sacrificing the human element in order to achieve this position.
As it stands in South Africa with regards to tie manufacturers of company ties, corporate ties and school ties, we are not sophisticated at all and our equipment for the most part is old and needs constant attention and care, like a baby!
Do you think that those factories making thousands of company ties or even corporate ties in China would dare to operate without the most up to date machinery.
Yes- we are behind as tie manufacturers but in many cases, our small factories with very few well trained staff get the job done!