An industry leader for over 40 years

Your manufacturer & supplier of Branded School Ties, Corporate Ties & Scarves, Corporate Wear,
Branded Socks, Badges & Jewellery


Vinuchi offers embroidered and logo'd metal Badges. All made to high specifications. For minimum orders, lead time, pricing and other info please contact 

School Badges 

A school badge has many meanings.
It can identify the school by being on the blazer pocket, it can identify a scholar’s achievements ie: academic, sports achievements etc.

School badges, crests and scrolls often signify an achievement or a recognition on behalf of the scholar. Once they have one achievement, they want to add another and another… thus creating a more competitive individual who strives for more recognition of achievement.

Club Badges 

Whether it's a blazer badge, or a pin badge you require, Vinuchi is able to accommodate your requirement, available in fabric or metal.

Have your school badges done professionally

Contact us today. We are here to help! »

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