October 13, 2023

The Power of Branded Ties

Branded ties can fall into many categories.

For starters, branded ties can be anything with a brand or a logo or wording relating to something that is being promoted.

So, if for instance, you were to ask do Mickey Mouse ties qualify as branded ties, the answer would of course be yes, because Mickey Mouse is a brand in itself.

Company ties are also branded ties because they advertise something related to the company and its brand.

Security company ties are also branded ties because they have the name or logo of the security company on the tie. Even though they are part of the uniform, they will still be classed as branded ties.

Likewise, should the same staff member wearing the branded ties also have branded socks as part of their uniform then they would be wearing branded ties and branded socks.

A major tie or clothing brand and I won't mention any of them, but you have an idea I am sure of what I am talking about, who puts their logo or anything relating to the logo, name of company etc onto ties and/or scarves falls under the banner of making and selling branded ties.

A retail outlet that requires their staff to wear smart uniforms including ties and scarves and who put their name or logo on the branded ties or branded scarves also qualify to say that they have branded ties.

Banks are huge supporters of branded ties but in a much different way on the whole from the point of view that some banks will require their staff to wear branded ties and scarves with the name or logo of the specific bank, others however will turn their branded ties and branded scarves into more fashion related items that don’t necessarily carry a logo or any wording. However, these will also qualify as branded ties and branded scarves simply because the design falls in line with the bank profile and so the branded ties and branded scarves show the customer a more fashionable and modern approach which is synonymous with the bank’s values.

However, it is without doubt that schools that have school ties come first in the race for branded ties. why? Because all school ties are branded ties. they denote the school, they show the logo, and they even announce the school’s mission on some ties- “Nihil Tam Altum” was on our school ties.

School ties make everyone aware of which school it is and very often if the tie is a real knockout tie, it gives a person an idea of how well the school itself is branded. Let’s face it that if we look at some school ties which are branded ties we can quite quickly see how well or not so well the schools feature as far as branding and recognition is concerned.

Branding and branded ties are a huge part of what ties and scarves are all about and because so many branded ties and branded scarves are made for things other than pure fashion it stands to reason how important they feature in the world of neckwear.

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